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PTO Roles & Responsibilities


The West Briar Middle School PTO Board consists of the Executive Officers and Committee Chairs, collectively, the PTO Board. The Executive Officers are the President, First Vice President (Membership), Second Vice President (Fundraising), Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Events Chair.


WBMS PTO Organizational Chart

As outlined in the WBMS PTO Bylaws, the following is a brief description of the PTO Executive Officer positions.

President – Coordinates the work of the officers and committees and appoints chairperson/s of special committees with the approval of the Executive Board. Presides over all meetings of the PTO, except the nominating committee.

First Vice President (Membership) – Performs all duties of the President in his/her absence. Organizes annual membership drive and maintains current membership documents. 

Second Vice President (Fundraising) – Preside in the absence of the President and First Vice President. Oversees and manages all fundraising activities coordinated by the various fundraising committees and activities.

Secretary – Records minutes of all PTO meetings. Manages all PTO correspondence, inbound and outbound. Oversee and manage all social media committees, including the web site, e-blast, Facebook, Instagram. Maintains a centralized document library.

Treasurer – Has custody of all funds of the organization. Provides full financial reports at Executive and general PTO meetings. Maintains the books of accounts and records, including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, etc. 

Parliamentarian – Maintains a copy of the current bylaws. Revise and edit the bylaws and standing rules as needed or requested by the President or Executive Officers. Ensures proper procedures are followed at meetings. Has complete knowledge and understanding of the articles and bylaws of the organization and provides parliamentary advice as requested.

Events Chair – Organizes and oversees all special events through the various event committees,  and coordinates teacher & staff appreciation activities.